CURRENT PROJECTS 2020 - Caracterización numérica para interacción entre madera y uniones en estructuras, DICYT regular 052018GIFunding: Universidad de Santiago de ChileRole: Main researcherDescription: Timber usually has a quasi-brittle behavior characterized by a...


Articles - Web of ScienceGuzmán, C. F., Ben Bettaieb, A., Sena, J. I. V., Alves de Sousa, R. J., Habraken, A.-M., & Duchêne, L. (2012). Evaluation of the Enhanced Assumed Strain and Assumed Natural Strain in the SSH3D and RESS3 Solid Shell Elements for Single Point...

Erick Saavedra Flores / PUBLICATIONS

JOURNAL PAPERS AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS Books Book Chapters Refereed Journal Papers Conference Papers Research Areas Non-linear solid mechanics Constitutive modelling of wood materials Multi-scale computational mechanics Composite materials and structures Plasticity...

Sergio Yáñez Cart

7 Usted está en : Inicio 5 Sergio Yáñez Cart Head of Civil Engineering in Civil of the Civil Engineering Department EDUCATIONDoctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Villanova University, USAResearch Advisor: Dr. David Dinehart, Civil and Environmental...

Ángela Plaza

7 Usted está en : Inicio 5 Ángela Plaza PhD in Molecular Bioscience Post-doctoral FellowDepartment of Civil EngineeringUniversity of Santiago, ChileE-mail: Google Scholar profile Education PhD in Molecular Bioscience, Universidad Andrés...

Siva Avudaiappan

7 Usted está en : Inicio 5 Categoría: Académicos Siva Avudaiappan PhD in Engineering Sciences Post-doctoral Fellow Department of Civil Engineering University of Santiago, Chile E-mail: Google Scholar profile Education PhD in...