Selected full papers will be published in the book of the conference proceedings.
Title: Recent Advances on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials - Computational Modelling, Theory, and Experiments (SCOPUS).
Editors: Erick I. Saavedra Flores, Rodrigo Astroza and Raj Das.
This book series is part of the Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering published by the editorial Springer Nature. Only original research works that have neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered for this publication.
Authors can submit their full length papers in the following link:
The style files and templates to prepare the full length papers are available in the following page:
This special issue of Applied Mathematical Modelling (WOS) aims to provide a selection of articles on advanced mathematical modelling techniques applied to the description of the mechanics of materials. Special attention will be devoted to contributions focused on applications in real-world engineering problems that consider the investigation of materials across several length scales. This collection presents recent findings on a wide range of analytical and numerical methods from traditional procedures to more recent techniques, and includes (but not limited to) papers in the following general research areas:
- General mechanical behaviour and constitutive models
- Composites materials and structures
- Biological and bio-inspired materials – bone, muscle tissue, etc.
- Multi-scale methods applied to wood materials and structures
- Computational modelling of concrete and cement-based materials
- Nano and micromechanics
- Elastomers and seismic isolation bearings
- Applications related to hierarchical multi-scale materials
- Energy dissipation systems for seismic applications
- Smart materials and structures
- Numerical modelling of granular materials
The submission of a full length paper to this special issue consists of a direct submission to the journal Applied Mathematical Modelling. The journal’s submission platform Editorial Manager® is available for receiving submissions to this Special Issue. Please, select the article type of “VSI: Modelling of materials” when submitting your manuscript online. The Guide for Authors can be found on the Journal Homepage here:
Title: Advanced Experimental Mechanics, Testing Procedures and Characterization of Materials
Guest editors: Erick I. Saavedra Flores, Sergio J. Yanez and Leonardo Brescia-Norambuena
This special issue in Materials Today Communications (WOS) aims to provide a collection of articles on advanced experimental mechanics, novel testing procedures and characterisation of classical and modern materials. Special attention will be devoted to experimental studies across several length scales. This collection presents recent findings on a wide range of experimental methods from traditional mechanical and structural testing procedures to more recent techniques, and includes (but not limited to) papers in the following general research areas:
- Wood-based materials
- Geomaterials and granular media
- Concrete and cement-based materials
- Shape memory alloys
- High-strength alloys
- Composites
- Cellular materials
- Biological and bio-inspired materials
- Smart materials and structures
The submission of a full length paper to this special issue consists of a direct submission to the journal Materials Today Communications. The journal’s submission platform Editorial Manager® is available for receiving submissions to this Special Issue. Please, select the article type of “VSI: Experimental mechanics” when submitting your manuscript online. The Guide for Authors can be found on the Journal Homepage here: